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Breaking news! Asteroid impact in Russia

Reports are emerging out of the Urals region of Russia of a meteor being shot down by an air defense unit in the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. This story has video from a variety of sources showing what can only be described as a spectacular fireball streaking across the sky. The object could be either a random asteroid entering the Earth’s atmosphere (very small ones do every year) or there is a possibility that the object is related to 2012 DA14 (which is passing the Earth safely tomorrow morning). A large number of asteroids are known to have satellites. Alternatively, IF the asteroid has an orbit that matches that of 2012 DA14, it could be a piece of 2012 DA14 that was knocked off 2012 DA in a collision. Astronomers will be able to calculate this by looking at the video footage. Stay tuned for more….

About Josie Floyd

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