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Does anyone know an astronaut with a sense of humour?

I have a favour to ask. It’s definitely not serious and it requires a friendly astronaut with a sense of humour.

Brian Schmidt Nobel Prize
Signed by Dr Brian Schmidt – 2011 Physics Nobel Prize winner

I should also explain Australian humour. We only insult our best friends. People we don’t know, we treat with respect. With that in mind, it won’t come as a surprise that I have a bit of a competition going with one of my closest friends. For some fifteen plus years, we have been politely insulting each other. Nothing rude – just the unexpected ‘You’re ugly’. It has been said or written in the most unexpected of ways i.e. a postcard from a complete stranger in another country or written in glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of the guest bedroom of my friend’s house (an effort on Tony’s part I have yet to top properly).

My best effort to date (thanks to a scientist I am a massive fan of) is to have Dr Brian Schmidt – 2011 Physics Nobel Prize winner sign the above photograph. He is a great guy with a fantastic sense of humour. My other effort was a postcard from David Malin – a world famous astro-photographer with similar words (Tony still has that many years later carefully framed on the study wall).

ARKYD Space Telescope simulated digital selfie. Image courtesy Planetary Resources.
ARKYD Space Telescope simulated digital selfie. Image courtesy Planetary Resources.

Given I have an interest in space travel, my thoughts have naturally turned to somehow working out how to have a similar photo held up aboard the International Space Station. I am hoping that through the connectivity of the Internet, I can track down someone who knows someone who knows an astronaut with a sense of humour! If you do, please share this post and get him/her to get in touch.

As an aside, I do have a backup plan. I have purchased the right to have a picture displayed on the back of the ARKYD Space Telescope to be launched by Planetary Resources through it’s Kickstarter page. Not as good I know. Still there will be no way Tony will be able to top that!

About Josie Floyd

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