- My astronomy blog

For Rick

Sadly I lost a friend today. We weren’t close but that isn’t the point.

I suspect the point of this post is that I will remember Rick for being Rick – with his quirks and his broad smile. I personally will remember his smile and the enthusiasm with which he greeted everybody.

Sunset over the Brindabella's (Australian Capital Territory) 7 January 2014
Sunset over the Brindabellas (Australian Capital Territory) 7 January 2014. Unfortunately I only had my camera phone handy – which didn’t cope with the contrast between the grey cloud and the small area of bright sunset.

Believe it or not this post was prompted by the stunning sunset I saw this afternoon. It was stunning because of the colour of the yellow Sun contrasting with the grey cloud around it. Take the cloud away and the sunset wouldn’t have been special. Had I looked ten minutes before or five minutes after, I would have missed the sunset looking as stunning as it did. And yes, the sunset is an analogy for the shortness and uniqueness of our lives in general, and Rick’s in particular.

Anyway out of my book of collected sayings, I offer the following in Rick’s memory.

It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow…’

Author not recorded

And another (by Laurence Craig-Green).

People so seldom say I love you

and then it’s either too late or love goes

so when I tell you I love you

it doesn’t mean 

i know you’ll never go

only that i wish you didn’t have to….

Rest in peace Rick.

About Josie Floyd

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