- Southern Hemisphere Sky Events

Planetary alignment continues in the predawn sky (June 14 2025)

June’s early morning planetary ‘alignment’ continues. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are easily visible to the unaided eye. They appear as stars to the unaided eye due to their distance from the Earth.

Imagine a slightly wonky line connecting those three planets. Placed along that line are also the planets Uranus and Neptune. In spite of both being significantly larger than Earth, you will need a telescope to see either.

That imaginary line refered to above is what astronomers call the ecliptic. This is the plane (think of a really big disc) in which the planets orbit the Sun. The planets will continue to move against the backgrounds stars but they are always near the ecliptic.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn chart prepared for Friday 14 June 2024 at 6 am AEST for Sydney, NSW (but will be also useful for elsewhere in Eastern Australia). Modified chart from an image created using the Stellarium astronomy freeware program.

About Josie Floyd

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