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2 thoughts on “Track ROSAT live: http://t.co/…

  1. I am on Gold Coast, Qld and since 6:45pm tonight (24/10/1) I have watch gliding starlike clusters of debris (?) in the atmosphere, glide from South to North in the thousands. Is this part of that German satellite?
    Some of them are large and shine and others are faint and small. They all seem to be travelling at the same speed and did see a few bump each other and then get back on track, continuing their path. It reminds me of thousands of butterflies migrating. Would love to know what it is.

  2. Tamara,

    The best estimate is that ROSAT de-orbited over the Indian Ocean. So no, what you are seeing is not debris from ROSAT. Do you know if anyone took a photograph of the lights?


    Paul Floyd.

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