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Venus at aphelion today (furth…

Venus at aphelion today (furthest point in its orbit from the Sun). Very easy to see above North East horizon in pre-dawn sky.

About Josie Floyd

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2 thoughts on “Venus at aphelion today (furth…

  1. Hi Paul, can you tell me what the cluster of bright “stars” are in the eastern sky at about 6-6.30am? I’m in the Riverina, NSW and it’s intrigued me for the last three days.

  2. Sarah,

    Assuming you are looking low above the North East horizon as morning twilight begins, you are looking at two bright stars. The brightest is Venus and the other is Jupiter. If you have a pair of binoculars (say 10 by 50’s) try pointing them at Jupiter. You will see a couple of faint stars either side of Jupiter. They are its largest moons.


    Paul Floyd.

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